Francesc-Marc Álvaro | Profile
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I dedicate myself to writing in the middle of the noise. I ask and ask. When I get lost is when I see everything clearer. I think, like the writer Joan Fuster, that “every conviction – serious conviction – will become a prejudice for subsequent convictions.”

I was born in Vilanova i la Geltrú in 1967, 30 miles south of Barcelona.

In 1979, while still a schoolboy, I started writing in my town’s local newspaper. Later on, I graduated in Journalism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Nowadays I work as a columnist and leader writer for La Vanguardia daily newspaper in Barcelona and for the cultural magazine Serra d’Or, and the digital newspaper Nació Digital.  I also contribute to analysis programs on radio station RAC1.

I combine my work as a journalist with lecturing Journalism at the Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations, part of the Ramon Llull University in Barcelona.

During my career I have worked as a political correspondent, chief commentator and columnist for Avui newspaper and as a feature writer for El Observador and El Mundo de Cataluña. For two years, I was also editor of the monthly magazine Cultura, published by the Department of Culture of the Generalitat, the Catalan government. Since 1989, I have been following the ups-and-downs of Catalan and Spanish politics and those of their main figures.

I have won several awards for my journalism, including Catalonia’s National Journalism Award and the awards Recull, Serra i Moret, and Ibàñez Escofet, amongst others.

My last book is Assaig general d’una revolta / Ensayo general de una revuelta (“General essay of a revolt”, 2019), published in Spanish and Catalan languages. I have published other books, such as Per què hem guanyat. 127 dies que van canviar Catalunya (“Why we have won. 127 days that changed Catalonia”, 2015), Entre la mentida i l’oblit. El laberint de la memòria col.lectiva / Entre la mentira y el olvido. El laberinto de la memoria colectiva (“Between the lie and forgetfulness. The maze of collective memory”, 2012), Els assassins de Franco (“Franco’s Assassins”, 2005), Ara sí que toca! El pujolisme, el procés sobiranista i el cas Pujol  (“Now is the Time! ‘Pujolism’, the sovereignty process and the Pujol case”, 2003/2014), Una política sense país (“Politics without a Country”, 2005), Per què no engeguem la política? (“Why Don’t We Give Up Politics?”, 1999) and Què pensa Pasqual Maragall (“What Does Pasqual Maragall Think?”, 1998). I have also contributed to several collective works on sociology, politics, history and literature.

I direct the ‘Magma’ collection of current essay books published by the publishing house of Abadia de Montserrat (PAMSA).